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Tips and Techniques - Session 2

We hope you enjoyed our last webpage and made use of our wellbeing tips and techniques.


Today’s post follows the same format but we would love to hear your feedback and we would love to hear of your traditional recipes or remedies that we could share with everyone on this page. Please use our get in touch page or send us an email and we will publish your contributions.


We hope you enjoy today's wellbeing tips & techniques.      

Oil of the Week

Eucalyptus was used and still is today as a medicinal herb widely used by the aborigines in australia and of course a well known source of food for the loveable koalas of australia.



The most common uses are to treat colds and flu, bronchitis, mucus congestion, sinusitis rheumatism cystitis and infectious diseases and also used as an effective  insect repellent.


Methods of Use

Massage, steam Inhalation, vapour burner, baths.


Massage use 10 ml/ 2 tsp of a base oil onto a saucer and add 4-6 drops of essential Eucalyptus oil this will be enough for one massage

Bath, add 4-6 drops of essential Eucalyptus oil to 10ml/ 2tsp of a base oil and add to the mixture of the bath swirl the water and relax into the bath inhaling the steam as well with some nice deep breaths.

Steam Inhalation very effective for treating coughs colds and sore throats and also provides a nice deep cleanse to the skin You will need a bowl of very hot water add 3-4 drops of essential Eucalyptus oil lean over the bowl with a towel over your head and bowl to create a tent to contain the stream and inhale the vapours.


Vapour burner, place a small amount of water depending on the vapourizer you are using and add a few drops of the essential oil. This will create a lovely vapour that will deodorize and fumigate the room. The eucalyptus oil will create a vapour that will be safe to inhale its therapeutic properties.    

Safety Notice :

*Not for internal consumption

** Do not apply undiluted oils directly onto the skin,  use a base oil such as olive oil, grapeseed oil sunflower oil to dilute

***If you are asthmatic you should avoid steam inhalation that contains only essential oils instead place 2 or 2 drops of essential oil onto a tissue and gently inhale, taking care not to get near eyes, ears or mouth. Immediately rinse the area with cold water or and seek medical advice if swallowed. Drinking a glass of milk will help to neutralise.

Natural Remedy of the Week

Healing benefits found when using Rosemary in your everyday foods and drinks, reduces aches & pains, improves the circulation to the heart, digestion and liver function, ears, eyes, nose & throat, emotional/nervous problems/insomnia and helps to destress. Rosemary is also ideal for the skin and female ailments.


Rosemary Oil is a valuable remedy for arthritis, rheumatism and muscle aches & pains. It is also good to use after shampooing the hair to help clear dandruff and improve the hair quality.


Rosemary tea relieves headaches, migraines, indigestion and coldness associated with poor circulation. It can be made with just the fresh herb rosemary and warm water.

Image by Dilyara Garifullina
Healthy Recipe of the Week

Apple Cake with Rosemary Crumble


Apples and rosemary are often paired together with pork, but they work well in sweet dishes, too. This cake is so simple and tasty; the earthiness of the rosemary really makes it. (Serves 8)


  • 65g flour

  • 75g sugar

  • 45g light brown sugar

  • A pinch of salt

  • 25g cold unsalted butter, cut into cubes

  • 2 tbsp roughly chopped rosemary

  • 1-2 tbsp water

For the cake

  • 260g flour

  • 2 tsp baking powder

  • ½ tsp salt

  • 75g salted butter

  • 225g light brown sugar

  • 2 eggs

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

  • 120ml whole milk

  • 2 apples, diced 


1 Preheat the oven to 175C/350F/gas mark 4. Butter and line a 22cm cake tin.

2 To prepare the crumble topping, combine the flour, sugars, salt, butter and rosemary and mix with your hands, or in a stand mixer, until it becomes the texture of coarse crumbs, then add water and mix until the crumb comes together. Set aside.

3 To make the cake, whisk together the flour, baking powder and salt. Cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy, then add the eggs to the mix one at a time until fully incorporated. Stir in the vanilla, then add in the flour mixture in 3 additions, alternating each addition with a third of the milk.

4 Fold in the apples, then pour the mixture into the prepared tin and sprinkle the crumble on top. Bake for 40-45 minutes, until lightly golden and firm to the touch, then cool on a wire rack.

*Recipe from Guardian.

Self Care Therapies, Tips and Techniques of the Week
Start the Day Right

Every morning, when we wake up we have 24 brand new hours to live. What a precious gift! We have the capacity to live in a way that these 24 hours will bring peace, joy, and happiness to ourselves and others. 

Thich Nhat Hann

Starting the morning the right way allows you to feel calm & focused. Taking an early moment for yourself will help you have perspective all day, so that you can respond to whatever events arise rather than react to them. 

Try one or two of these a day or all! However we suggest at start making one of these suggestions a regular habit and you may find it will transform your whole day.

  • Before you make your morning tea or coffee, drink a cup of hot water with a lemon or lime in it to rehydrate you and to get your digestion system and liver functions working better.

  • Set your alarm 20/30 minutes earlier than usual, take this time to have a longer shower, or take some exercise. You may find by giving yourself this extra time you will discover you become more productive, proactive and creative.

  • Do a twist to move the spine. Lie on your back, bring your right knee into your chest. Then cross your right knee over to the left hand side of your body towards the floor. Hold the knee down with your left hand and extend your right arm out to the side in line with your shoulder. Take three to five deep breaths. Repeat on the other side.

  • Mediate for 3, 5 or even 10 minutes. Just make yourself comfortable in an upright position in your bed and practice as an example deep breathing meditation (See our daily mediation belly breathing)

  • Add Greens to your breakfast, spinach, avocados, kale or asparagus add to your breakfast plate or make a  smoothie. Parsley and coriander go well with scrambled eggs.

Whatever you do with the extra time, enjoy it. Dance and sing to the music on the radio. Do what makes you feel happy. 

Image by Simon Migaj
Meditation of the Week
The Respiratory System

When the body is threatened breathing can become rapid, uneven, shallow and jerky and when panic takes over breathing can become very stressed. A reaction to emotion good or bad generally tends to be breathing that is shallower and higher in the chest. A negative emotion usually creates an added restriction in the belly area.correct breathing can really transform your whole life and is the basis of all mediation.


Natural healing that can be adopted is Belly Breathing…

Do this by lying down in a warm place or by sitting comfortably in an upright chair, or stand at ease with your shoulders relaxed.

●      Gently become aware of your breath

●      Gently breathe into your belly or tummy by pushing it out like a balloon and breathing in through your nose. Do this 

        for a count of one.

●      Breathe out by ‘deflating’ your tummy and exhaling through your mouth. Relax the jaw and let go. Do this for a       

        count of two.

●      Continue doing this for 2 minutes initially, slowly building up to 20 minutes. You can also build up your breathing time

        to a count of 6 when breathing in and a count of 12 when breathing out.

●      Sometimes you may feel a little tired and possibly a slight dizzy after breathing so deeply, so take your time and 

        breathe normally for a few minutes before attempting to move around again.

Essential oils can really help breathing. Our oil of the day Eucalyptus and Camphor will clear and open the lungs. Some asthma sufferers however may find it makes things worse. In these cases use oils like frankincense and madarin that will calm and regulate the breathing

Exercise Tips of the Week
Home Exercise

Burn calories, lose weight and feel great with our selection of equipment-free home workout routines, including:

10-minute home workouts to improve your general fitness and tone your tummy, legs, arms and buttocks take it up a notch with our selection of gym-free workouts to improve cardiovascular health, strength and general fitness

If you're looking for something less energetic, try:

●      sitting exercises

●      strength exercises

●      balance exercises

●      flexibility exercises

Inspirational Quote of the Week

We hope you have enjoyed today's posts, we leave you with another inspirational quote of the day ….

“Life is full and overflowing with the new. 

But it is necessary to empty out the old to make room for the new to enter”

(Extract and credit Eileen Caddy, Footprints on the Path.)

If there are any questions or feedback on any of the information that we have shared on these pages, please do not hesitate to drop us an email or use our get in touch page and we will be more than happy to respond where possible. 


*Note This information is not intended to replace medical advice or care. Contact a health professional if you need further medical support.

CRT General Contact Details:

Compass Rose Therapies :

11 Unwins Lane



CB24 5PN

07956 407023

*for all correspondence please email



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